Monday, October 18, 2010

Coffee Talk- Speak the Language

The challenge is to make espresso taste exactly the way ground coffee smells by extracting the maximum flavour from the bean while leaving behind bitter compounds and caffeine. Nothing is as bad as bad espresso. It is an intense unpleasantness that is difficult to remove from your palate. On the other hand, if it is made correctly the perfect espresso is delicious and exotic. Here are some key words that may help you communicate with other espresso enthusiasts.
The fragrance released when hot water hits the ground coffee. The first judge of the flavours released from the bean comes from the aroma and will tell you a great deal about the coffee’s freshness and personality. Words used to describe the aroma include “delicate”, “moderate”, “strong”, “rich”, “fragrant” or “complex”.
The fragrance released when hot water hits the ground coffee. The first judge of the flavours released from the bean comes from the aroma and will tell you a great deal about the coffee’s freshness and personality. Words used to describe the aroma include “delicate”, “moderate”, “strong”, “rich”, “fragrant” or “complex”.
The “body” of a coffee describes the weight and texture of the coffee in the mouth and on the tongue. It can range from heavy and full to light and thin.
A full-bodied coffee has a rich texture and heaviness on the tongue, with a taste that lingers. Coffee lacking body is thin and watery.
Espresso coffee should have a golden coloured layer of foam called “crema”. Crema looks a little like honey coloured beaten egg white, but is in fact a product of the oil in the beans. The most delicate of the aromatic flavours are captured in the crema for just a moment, savoured at once and then remembered in the sweet lingering aftertaste.
An espresso without crema has not been properly made.
The word “acidity” is often used to describe coffee. The acidity of a coffee refers to the pleasingly crisp, sharp taste of it.
Acidity is more of a sensation than a taste and is experienced on the roof of the mouth and the tip of the tongue. Coffee without acidity tends to taste flat, lacking a pleasant palate cleansing aspect.
Roasting eliminates some of the coffee beans’ acidity, so a light roasted coffee will contain the highest amount of acidity and is said to have a lot of “bite”.
This refers to the total impression of the aroma, acidity and body. A coffee that has a well-balanced flavour has the qualities of acidity, body and flavour that all must play in harmony so that no one element predominates at the expense of another.
The tasting terminology used to describe coffee characteristics is very similar to that of fine wine.

Monday, October 4, 2010

CUBA Coffee harvesting starts, NICARAGUA Conacafe updates build up its estimates, COLOMBIA Coffee producers still confident how to approach target PDF VersionPrinter Friendly Version

NICARAGUA Conacafe changes build up this estimatesCoffee production into Nicaragua might become more popular more than previously expected, after rains into the flowering time boosted production. CUBA Coffee harvesting starts into Guantanamo. VIETNAM Ministry as to Agriculture To launch mechanization system. COLOMBIA Coffee producers still confident how to contact target. PAPUA new GUINEA Coffee as well as cocoa growers To aid out of. BRAZIL frigid weather expected over the weekend. ...
NICARAGUA Conacafe changes build up this estimates
Coffee production in Nicaragua might become more popular more than previously expected, after rains into the flowering period boosted production.
Coffee production on the stream crop year went probably jump To 2.28 million 46-kilogram (101-pound) bags, said Luis Osorio, technical secretary of Conacafe, the nations biggest coffee- growers group.
Conacafe last year forecast output as to 1.8 mill bags being the stream crop, up from 1.4 mill bags to the previous season, Osorio said.
CUBA Coffee harvesting starts on Guantanamo
Cubas coffee harvest being This year's-2011 cycle should be between 20 and also 25 percent higher than the unfavorable showing final year, said Ramon Frometa Ordunez, a deputy minister as to agriculture.
VIETNAM Ministry as to Agriculture how to launch mechanization system
Vietnam's Ministry as for Agriculture and Rural progress is launching a mechanization system focusing major crops liking rice, sugarcane, corn as well as coffee. using 2015, Vietnam believes it may achieve 70% mechanization in rice cultivation.
According how to Fao estimate, amount as to agricultural tractors on Use on Vietnam is approximately 163,000 items, and also amount of combine harvester - threshers is 223,000 items.
apart from out of using combined harvesters, Vietnam is also pushing as the Use of machinery in producing rice seeds. by the same time, lots of as for the milling adaptation into the country in most cases are at least 50 years old and also could no longer be as efficient a warm or hot environment the new-generation adaptation created.
Vietnam has regarding 1,300 companies producing agricultural machinery and also competing for the market. rather the agricultural equipment production rate doesn't suffice the demand.
The country imports more than 60% as for agricultural production machinery from China. Many components used how to produce machinery locally have to be also Chinese imports.
Experts NOTE, that every for a ‘allowed-to-Vietnam combine harvester this three lots of valuable sections in most cases are imported. Shops always import second hand engines out of Japan and South Korea and gear boxes and also chains out of China.
Within 5-year period Vietnam imported 12thousand items as to ag. machines (brand new as well as second hand). which accounts only 2-3% of all ag. machines in usage. The significant part as to machines in Use into Vietnam is old and also rebuilding rate is low.
COLOMBIA Coffee producers still confident To contact target
Colombia coffee producers in most cases are confident that bean output could hit 6 million bags in the last six months on the year do to dry weather between September as well as Apr given coffee flowers how to open the end result into a greater amount of berries.
PAPUA brand new GUINEA Coffee as well as cocoa growers how to help from world Bank approach
Coffee and also cocoa growers on Papua brand new Guinea went aid from a 25 mill US dollar layout funded using the areas Bank group.
The newspaper, The National, says the fund i has approved beneath the areas Banks productive partnerships on agriculture plan, as this this aims To help the livelihoods of rural PNG communities.
The world Bank says the funds in most cases are purposely as rural refinement projects into the agriculture market, particularly coffee and cocoa production use smaller holder growers to rural communities.
this acknowledged which over 80% of Papua new Guineans lived on rural parts who probably are largely contingent at agriculture being livelihood as well as that corroborating rural populations i has imperative how to both social progression as well as economic growth.
BRAZIL frigid weather anticipated over the weekend
A frigid spell will reach coffee growing areas in the time of the weekend into states like us Parana and also Minas Gerais, according how to weather forecasters..
there's a skinny chance of frost to isolated parts, local private weather assistance Somar said Wednesday.
Temperatures will drop To night-time lows on past 3 degrees Celsius in aspects like us Pocos de Caldas on southern Minas Gerais.
The threat as to frost will be isolated how to a couple coffee increasing regions at high altitudes and certainly not widespread, meteorologists say.
Brazil's arabica coffee (Brazilian Santos harvest is into full swing favoured by the dry weather.
INDONESIA Coffee exporters stockpiling beans To meet forward contracts
Unseasonably heavy rains brought using La Nina went go on across Indonesia for the Rest of this year, the countrys state weather agency said on a forecast issued by Wednesday.
Indonesia has seen mizzle keep up after the normal finish on the wet season into Apr.
indiana Ouput of certified coffee by use of rocket up
Indias output on ‘certified coffee' meeting specific environment as well as social welfare standards is predicted by about 18,000 tonnes as 2010-11, against with regards to 14thousand tonnes to 2009-10.
This amounts how to regarding 8 per cent on the country's coffee exports.
Tata Coffee is biggest producer of certified coffee via an output estimated at 9,000 tonnes.”
According how to company sources, the remaining 9,000 tonnes of certified coffee is expected how to avail mainly from the following places: Ned Commodities (3,500 tonnes), Ecom Gill (1,700 tonnes), ABC Group (1,600 tonnes), Savamalai Estates (1,000 tonnes), Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation (500 tonnes) and also Carrara Group Estates (350 tonnes).
Ned Commodities and also ECOM could be Netherlands-located and also Swiss-located export houses, respectively, that have on been organising farmers, both as individuals as well as groups, To increase certified coffee.
lots of as for the coffee is exported how to Europe.
According To Utz Certified, worldwide sales as for its certified coffee on the year ended June 30 amounted how to 58,800 tonnes against 43,300 tonnes into the same period a year ago. Rainforest Alliance-certified coffee sold worldwide was estimated at about 87thousand tonnes on 2009.
ASIA Laos increasing its exports To Japan
According how to a report out of the Laos Coffee partnership, Laos exported 1,300 tons as to Arabica coffee To Japan over the first six months as to this year valued at US$2.4 million, increasing out of 1thousand tons on 2009. offers a wide selection on Gourmet Coffees, Flavored Coffees, Coffee Blends, Green Beans, Fair sell Coffee, Organic Coffee, Coffee News, Coffee videos, and much more at
